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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Renowned Nephrologists present seminar on rare kidney disorder
Manipal: Department of Pathology and Nephrology of KMC and MMMC Manipal
organized a seminar titled “Nephrology and Nephropathology International
Update 2010 Workshop” on Nephrology in Hotel Valley View on 30th-31st
October 2010. Nephrologists Dr.Sanjeev Sethi and Dr. Peter.C.Harris from Mayo
Clinic, Rochester(USA) were the chief guests and had a brief discussion on the
Nephrology disorder named “MPGN(Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis)”.
“When kidney is bombarded with deposits of immune complex or
proliferation of immune complexes takes place in kidney, MPGN strikes body”,
said Dr. Sanjeev Sethi about the disorder MPGN. Dr.Sanjeev Sethi discussed
quite a few cases about nephrology patients who are suffering from hematuria,
hypertension and diabetes due to this disorder.
Nephrology is basically the study of disorders affecting the kidney, caused
by development of immune complex in kidney. It majorly affects people in the
age group 50-60 years.
“The seminar is quiet interesting and it is not bad”, said Dr. Shephali
Sharma from audience. Many of the doctors attending the seminar agreed it has
always been a pleasure listening to Dr. Sethi.
“This is a unique workshop where pathologists and clinicians have met
under the same roof and discussed about various topics”, said Miss. Lakshmi
Rao, organizer of the event.
Dr. Peter.C.Harris will be presenting his seminar and will be discussing cases
tomorrow at Chaitya Hall,Valley View.